Legal residence in Uruguay

Residencia Legal

At Carlos Picos Consultora we advise on all the procedures to obtain your legal residence in Uruguay, easily and quickly.

We guide and accompany you at every stage. Our services include all procedures before Uruguayan authorities: applications, registrations, translations, legalizations, and certifications. We also provide specialized personnel in Spanish and English to accompany the applicant for legal residence on the day of the face-to-face procedure before the Uruguayan authorities.

We also provide advice for tax residences as well as the establishment of branches, representative offices and re-domiciliation of companies.

Contact us: WhatsApp + (598) 9277 2326 to coordinate a virtual meeting at no cost.


FAQs Legal Residence in Uruguay.

Can a foreigner without any prior connection with the country have legal residence?

Any person with no previous connection can obtain legal residence in Uruguay. The type of residence and the procedures are different depending on whether or not the person has relatives who are natural born citizens of Uruguay or whether or not they are nationals of Mercosur Party or Associated States. Additionally, there is a special case for retirees or pensioners of any nationality.


What is the difference between fiscal residence and legal residence in Uruguay?

Legal Residence is carried out through a process and is granted to those foreigners who intend to reside temporarily or permanently in the country. This residence enables the development of paid or other activities. On the other hand, tax residence is a condition of the taxpayer that can be accredited in case of verifying the extremes provided in the legislation. Accreditation must be requested through a residence certificate issued by the DGI. (General Tax Directorate). The assumptions necessary to be considered a tax resident can be reviewed at the following link. We can advise and manage everything related to both legal and fiscal residence.

What do I need if I already have Uruguayan relatives?

If you have Uruguayan relatives (spouse, common-law partner with legal proceedings in Uruguay, parents, siblings and grandchildren) you can apply for permanent residence. The documents required to apply for permanent residence are the following:

  • Identity document of the applicant (Passport).
  • Identity document of the Uruguayan national.
  • Certificate of Civil Status that proves the link with the Uruguayan.

Do I have special benefits for being a Mercosur citizen?

Yes, being a national of a Mercosur Party or Associated State simplifies the procedures due to the number of documents that must be submitted.

What do I need if I am a national of a State Party or Associate of Mercosur?

If you are a national of Mercosur or of a state associated with Mercosur, you can apply for permanent residence. The documents required to apply for permanent residence are the following:

  • Proof of identity document (passport).
  • Criminal record of the country(ies) of residence in the last five (5) years (for those over 18 years of age).

What types of legal residence exist?

Permanent residence. This document is granted to foreign relatives of Uruguayans and to nationals of the Mercosur Party and Associate States who intend to reside permanently in Uruguay.

Definitive legal residence. This document is granted to a foreigner of any nationality who is not a national of a State Party or Associated with Mercosur or does not have Uruguayan relatives and who intends to reside permanently in Uruguay.

Common temporary residence. It is the possibility that foreigners have to reside in Uruguay for a certain time, greater than 180 days, due to their specific function. They must present certain requirements according to the category of the activities they are going to carry out; For example, professional, scientific, business, teaching, journalistic, student, religious, healthcare, etc.

Mercosur temporary residence. It is a temporary residence that is granted to nationals of Member States or Associated States of Mercosur. Unlike the temporary residence, it does not need to be associated with a specific activity.

Residence for the retired foreign person or pensioner. It is the possibility that retired foreigners abroad or who receive a pension abroad have to obtain permanent residence in Uruguay,


* What do your services consist of in general terms?

We take care of the entire process, we guide and accompany you at every stage.

  • Hearing request.
  • Translation and legalization of documents.*
  • Registration of birth certificate and other certificates.
  • Preparation of notarial certifications.*

Personalized assistance on the day of the procedure to accompany the applicant (Due to Covid, only the interested party is authorized to enter)

Attention in Spanish and English.

Management for family groups and minors.

* Translations, legalizations and certifications will be charge separately.

How long does the legal residence process take?

Currently the process takes between 3 to 6 months. These are reference times and depend on the volume of applications processed by state agencies.

I am a pensioner in my country without economic activities, what requirements must I meet to obtain legal residence in Uruguay?

Retirees and pensioners regardless of nationality and without the need for previous ties to the country can apply for legal residence.

Our team of professionals will gladly help you with all the necessary paperwork.

Do your services include discounts for being a family group?

Yes, we have special discounts for family groups. The benefits will depend on the number of people in your family group and the type of legal residence to apply for. Consult us and one of our executives will review your specific case.

Can I do the process remotely?

You can start the process remotely. There will be a formal request for Residence before the authorities where you must be there in person. This instance will be coordinated by our team and will have an executive assigned to accompany you.

What documents must I present?

It will depend on the type of legal residence to which you are going to apply. There are more simplified procedures for relatives of Uruguayans or nationals of Mercosur Party and Associate States and procedures where a greater amount of documentation is required. Make the consultation with our team regarding your particular case and we will gladly resolve those doubts.

Can a minor under 18 years of age apply for temporary legal residence in Uruguay?

Yes, a minor under 18 years of age can apply a temporary residence; In addition to meeting the requirements established to apply for legal residence, you must present express authorization from your parents to settle temporarily in Uruguay and a legalized or apostilled birth certificate. If the minor will not live with any of his parents, the responsible adult in the country must be established by them (once parents consent is obtained).

How can I evacuate doubts with the legal residence application process?

From the first contact we will assign you an executive who will guide you with all your doubts and additionally you will have another executive who will accompany you throughout the process of obtaining your legal residence.

Do I have to make an international transfer to pay for the service?

There are several options for paying for the service. We have payment options in your local currency. We will find the way that makes the payment process easier for you.


Let´s talk?

(598) 9277 2326

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