Below you will find information about Uruguayan L&E Law, the main framework and an overview of how our employee compensation is composed. Types of contracts: In Uruguay, there are several different types of contracts when it comes to hiring an employee. For instance, it could have a fixed term (temporary contract) or not (permanent contract). […]

Incorporation of Companies in Dubai in DUBAI – United Arab Emirates taxes 0%

IRGlobal aumenta la red de servicios

Dubai – one of the Arab Emirates – has become a true international business center in recent years, mainly due to its pro-business policy and its flexible legal and tax system, which allows investors to optimize the taxation of their company, enjoying a brand image and prestige. An offshore company in Dubai is a company […]

Important benefits for investment projects in Uruguay

Beneficios para inversores en uruguay

A few days ago Carlos Picos Consultora presented a new investment project for an international firm that is coming to invest in Uruguay in process improvements for public and private banking. It is a very important benefit that has been widely applied by national and foreign investors. As an example, between January and August 2022, […]

Family Law Services.

family law

Our legal specialists have the suitability and experience to advise you on the various complexities of Family Law. Both nationally and internationally. As its name says, Family Law is the set of legal rules that regulate matters involving family members. This branch of law falls within the scope of Civil Law, which regulates the main […]

Services in Labor Law in Uruguay

Derecho Laboral Uruguay

If you are planning to establish or solve Labor Relations in Uruguay, you will need to ensure the correct application of Uruguayan labor legislation. This will involve securing the services of an attorney you trust. The work carried out by the professionals of Carlos Picos Consultora in the discipline of Labor Law has led our […]

Uruguay leads the ranking of the best business climate in the region.

Clima de negocio en Amércia Latina

📝 The Getulio Vargas Foundation of Brazil, through the Brazilian Institute of Economics, published its Latin American Economic Survey for the second quarter of 2022, highlighting #Uruguay’s position as the country with the best Economic Climate in Latin America. 📊 The survey was carried out in the second quarter of 2022 among 145 experts in […]