Commercial Companies
Brindamos un servicio integral en el desarrollo de nuevos negocios mediante la puesta en marcha de empresas. Planificamos e implementamos la estructura más adecuada y eficiente para cada cliente considerando su etapa actual y su proyección de desarrollo.
Integral Business Installation Solution
At Carlos Picos Consultora we provide integral advice to the development of new enterprises and the creation and start-up of companies. We plan and implement the most efficient and appropriate structure for the business, we accompany step by step in the growth of our customers. We also facilitate the installation of foreign companies in Uruguay. We manage all the formal aspects so that our clients focus exclusively on the business.

Opening of bank accounts in Uruguay and United States
We offer you bank account alternatives in the name of your company or natural person in Uruguay and the United States. The management is completely remotely. It can be done with a foreign identity card. Likewise, bank accounts can be opened for foreign companies of any jurisdiction. Our team of professionals will accompany you in the entire account opening process.
At Carlos Picos Consultora we have a multidisciplinary team for the structuring, registration and administration of trusts for natural and legal persons. We specialize in administrative, agricultural, forestry and livestock trusts. Ensuring the transparency, security and high efficiency of this type of operation. The administration includes the accounting and the submission of the annual reports required.

Registration of Branches and Representation Offices
We carry out the process by which the Branches of National and Foreign Companies are registered with the Tax Administration, prior to the beginning of the economic activity. Our services include all necessary administrative processes. As an example: drafting of notes, presentation of contracts and certified and legalized registration records. Presentation of the certificate of validity issued by the Controller Authority. Social acts in which the opening of a branch is decided, the designation of the representative, the address of the branch and the allocation of capital where appropriate. Publications are also carried out and the corresponding fees are integrated.
Foundations, Civil Associations and NGO
The formation of Foundations, Civil Associations and NGOs in Uruguay is a process that can be complex and differs according to the type of entity and organization needs. Although in all cases these are non-profit institutions, they have different roles and requirements. The entity that best suits the planned activities must be chosen. Our experts will inform you about the obligations and requirements of compliance in the country when establishing your Foundation, Civil Association or NGO in Uruguay and will accompany you in the definitions and in all the necessary steps.

Reform of statutes
Our legal team will assist you in any changes required to the social contract or statutes, either in whole or in part. Such reforms to the social contract or statutes may be carried out both in public limited companies, simplified equity companies, limited liability companies, single-person companies, Associative Enterprises, Foundations and branches of foreign companies, among others. The service includes both the support in the drafting and all notarial and administrative actions relating to the presentation and follow-up of the new contract.
Mergers, Acquisitions and Dissolutions.
Our study has been involved in numerous opportunities in the advice, negotiation and execution of mergers, acquisition, division and dissolution of companies, in accordance with the law on commercial companies. Our advice covers the different stages of operations, including the determination of the most efficient corporate structure, legal and fiscal planning, due diligence processes, audits, support in the negotiation and drafting of contracts according to shareholders’ agreements. The team of lawyers will make recommendations for the risks of litigation implied in this type of operation.