Why should I hire a tax advisor?

The impact of taxation on the costs and profits of companies is undeniable. The decisions constantly made by companies have a tax impact, so the analysis and management of these aspects must have a primary role in business management.

In practice right behind a great idea for a business comes the need for tax advice. It is no secret that taxes and their efficient management are a fundamental factor in the viability of the project.

At Carlos Picos Consultora we provide tax and tax advice to our clients. It includes the tax treatment of specific operations as well as outsourcing services. At all times we seek to contemplate the alternatives and make our recommendation of the most appropriate for the situation of the company.

We consider ourselves strategic partners of our clients. We analyze the information and make our recommendations using all available resources.

We also provide you with the relevant information for the optimization of your investment projects. We represent you in case of inspections.

We advise our clients on the tax treatment of a given operation, or on the interpretation and application of tax rules in relation to a specific case, seeking to contemplate the alternatives and making our recommendation of the most appropriate for the situation of the company. Our evaluation is comprehensive, we always consider the business aspects and personal situations of shareholders in our evaluations and recommendations.

Our services include:

  • Tax and tax planning in Uruguay and abroad
  • Application of international conventions and income criteria specific to each country
  • Advice and implementation of applicable tax benefits
  • Tax due diligence
  • Treatment of international operations, such as establishment of branches, mergers, divisions, and sale of commercial establishments, among others
  • Formulation of consultations with state agencies


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(598) 9277 2326
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